Current Version
Version 0.2.3 (2007-03-31) (download)
This component allows you to generate a playlist from an artist's charts (eg. Metallica). It also allows you to sort a selection in the playlist by the artist's charts.
If you're feeling funky you may also generate a playlist full of songs (hopefully ;) similar to the selected one. The component uses the similar artists list for this.
It downloads the data feed from the server (eg. Metallica), looks for these tracks in your Music Library and puts these into a new playlist.
Hydrogenaudio Thread
Source Code
GitHub Repository
This will obviously need your music to be tagged correctly (and in the same way as on - this is usually the musicbrainz way).
The proxy configuration is taken from IE - so if you use a proxy for accessing the internet, make sure it is set up correctly in IE. This component will obviously only work while you're online. Offline support (caching) may be added later.
The diference between Similar Artists Charts and Similar Artists Shuffle is that Similar Charts uses the charts of the similar artists to generate the playlist, while shuffle selects random songs of the similar artists.
- v0.2.3
- Plugin will guess match% when this information is missing in the similar artists data feed
- v0.2.2
- Fixed crash when returns an incomplete Page
- v0.2.1
- Fixed crash when returns an empty page
- v0.2
- Added Similar Artists Shuffle Feature
- Selected Artist is included in the similar artists playlists
- v0.1.1 (beta)
- Added Similar Artists Charts Feature
- v0.1
Current Version / Changelog
See GitHub
This component provides a new context menu item "place after current playing", that allows you to place any tracks after the current playing one in the playing playlist. It comes with various settings to change it's behavior like having your tracks moved or copied or having them enqueued if the playing playlist is locked.
This is very useful as default doubleclick action for stuff like database search or album list.
Source Code
GitHub Repository
Current Version
Version 0.2.3 (2006-12-17) (download)
- Provides a panel which shows the queue's contents and allows you to remove tracks from the queue.
- Allows you to have playback automaticaly starting when you create a queue.
- Provides a "Stop after Queue" functionality, that allows you to have playback stopped once the queue has finished playing.
Hydrogenaudio Thread
Title Formatting:
The default string contains a space at the beginning - this is intentional, so there is some padding at the left border. Remove it if you don't like that.
You can use the special fields %list_index% and %list_total%.
Old Versions
- v0.2.3 (2006-12-17)
- Implemented "Stop after queue" - switch placed in playback menu - (uses Stop After Current)
- v0.2.2 (2006-12-14)
- Removed the "play after current" stuff. That moved to foo_trackpos
- v0.2.1 (2006-08-26)
- Fixed the api violation
- Added %list_index% and %list_total%
- v0.2.0 (2006-08-25)
- Chaged to a columns_ui panel and renamed to foo_uie_queuemanger
- Added configurable Title formatting of the queue entries
- Added "play after current" feature
- Added option to start playback on queue creation
- v0.1.1 (2006-08-23)
- fixed Unicode Character Issue
Current Version
Version 1.4 (2007-09-02) (download)
This component removes tracks from the playlist once they've been played or skipped. So every time playback advances, the previously played track will disappear from the playlist. The component can be enabled and disabled via a toogle in the Playback menu.
Hydrogenaudio Thread
Source Code
GitHub Repository
- v1.4
- Added "remove when skipped" functionality (has toggle in the menu)
- v1.3
- Added a toggle to the menu (Playback->Remove played tracks)
- v1.2
- Using another way to find out if a song has been played
- v1.1
- Tracks are removed instantly instead of with 1 sec. delay
- Tracks are also removed if they are the last item of the playlist
- v1.0
Current Version
Version 0.96 (2007-03-26) (download)
This component emulates a Winamp window so existing plugins you have that use the Winamp API can continue to work with foobar2000 with minimal trouble.
This component was created by R1CH, who stopped developement at v0.90. Since then I have picked up developement.
Hydrogenaudio Thread
Source Code
GitHub Repository
- v0.96
- Implemented IPC_SETVOLUME (lParam 122), wParam=-666 to return current volume level
- Implemented IPC_GETRATING (lParam 640)
- Implemented IPC_SETRATING (lParam 639) - setting the rating to 0 removes the tag
- v0.95
- Implemented all WINAMP_BUTTON... commands
- Implemented IPC_SETVOLUME (lParam 122) - formula used for volume mapping from the 0-255 scale to dB values: volume = -(-1 + pow(1.014, (255-wParam)))*3
- Made IPC_GETINFO (lParam 126) return current bitrate for vbr tracks (instead of averange bitrate)
- v0.94
- Fixed the Evillyrics spam - all lParam > 1200000 are ignored (they don't have any meaning after all)
- v0.93
- Implemented IPC_WRITEPLAYLIST (lParam 120) - If there is no winamp path set in registry, foobar sets it to its settings path during startup and deletes in on shutdown. Playlist is written into this path, so foobar will overwrite your winamp playlist, if this feature is activated and winamp installed.
- v0.92
- Implemented IPC_GETTIMEDISPLAYMODE (lParam 610) - always returns 0 (displaying elapsed time)
- Implemented lParams 1237188, 1241704, 1242024, 1243292 - are not implemented in winamp, evillyrics spams them for unknown reasons - made them do nothing (stops console spam)
- v0.91
- Implemented IPC_GETLISTLENGTH (lParam 124) - gets the length of the playing list/the length of the active list if none is playing
- Implemented IPC_JUMPTOTIME (lParam 106)
- Fixed IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME (lParam 105) to return true ms for wParam/mode 0
- v0.90
- Last release by R1CH (no changelog available)
Concepts / In Developement
This component will help you to set up foobar in a way that fits the situation of a party where multiple people can access the pc and everyone is trying to only have "his" music played. Parts of the concept can be found in my post in HA.
Allows you to generate a playlist filled with the Last.Fm Charts of some artist. The plugin loads that artist's charts and searches your database for the tracks contained in the charts and fills a playlist with these in the order presented by the charts